Council Committees

Public Safety Committee

Acts as a liaison between the Village Council and the Police and Fire Departments. Researches public safety concerns brought up by the residents and makes recommendations to council.

Tom Wolfe - Chair
Sue Wadley
Don Cable
Deb Julian

Personnel Committee

Responsible for reviewing yearly evaluations and pay raises of all village employees. Oversees and makes recommendations to council regarding any changes to the Personnel Handbook. Available to assist with the review of employment applications and may make recommendations to council for hiring of new employees. Reviews applications for filling vacated council seats and makes recommendations to council for the vacated position. Reviews Village employee’s health insurance options and makes recommendation to council.

Sue Wadley - Chair
Deb Julian
Kellie Green
Don Cable

Rules Committee

Oversees the rules that govern the council and committee meetings and makes recommendations to council for revisions of these rules. Review rules after each election for new council members. Review the rules each year for potential additions and/or revisions.

Douglas Keener - Chair
Sue Wadley
Tom Wolfe
Don Cable

Finance Committee

Oversees the Village’s overall budget as well as the budget for the Police, Fire, and Street Departments. The committee makes recommendations to council when monies are to be spent for these departments. Review the expenses of the Village’s day-to-day operations. Attend final audit meetings and report a summary of the findings.

Deb Julian - Chair
Tom Wolfe
Kellie Green
Douglas Keener

Public Service Committee

Oversees the Street Department, Water Department and all other public services. The committee makes recommendations to council regarding these departments and services that the Village provides to the residents.

Don Cable - Chair
Kellie Green
Tom Wolfe
Douglas Keener

Community Development

Works with the Village’s Community Development Director to promote and bring in positive development that will benefit the residents of the Village. Help research resources that could potentially provide some financial assistance for Village projects; i.e., grants, private business, organizations, or agencies. Assist in preparing grants of other paperwork necessary to procure the extra monies.

Kellie Green - Chair
Deb Julian
Sue Wadley
Douglas Keener